Information for Builders

World Sailing IWSA Formula Wing Registered Series Production Scheme

The Series Production Formula Wing Equipment Registration Scheme is operated by World Sailing and acts as the process by which manufacturers can register series production equipment to be eligible for racing at IWSA Formula Wing events.


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Screenshot 2025 03 11 110008World Sailing operates a system for approval and registration of equipment, making it eligible for use at IWSA Formula Wing Events.
The scheme requires manufacturers to produce identical equipment items, using the same building specification, made in a production run of not less than a minimum number of identical units.
Approved series production equipment can be identified by the World Sailing logo applied by the manufacturer during production and is listed in the World Sailing Approved Lists.

To be eligible for use at IWSA Formula Wing events, equipment must be registered with World Sailing and included on the relevant IWSA Production Equipment list, not less than 30 days prior to the start of the event.

This Phase 1 of the Equipment Registration Scheme is a self-declaration by the brands/manufacturers to grandfather all existing equipment. Registration of equipment in Phase 1 is free of charge.
It is intended to implement Phase 2 on 1 May 2025 (latest) for any equipment that is newly produced. Additional requirements for documentation and technical data will be required in Phase 2.


The Series Production Equipment Registration Scheme is operated by World Sailing (WS) and acts as the process by which manufacturers can register equipment to be eligible for use at Formula Wing events.
The International Wing Sports Association (IWSA) has chosen to use the WS Equipment Registration scheme to introduce a System to determine the eligibility of equipment for use at Formula Wing events.
The Scheme covers series production (mass production where a series of identical items are made at a significant volume) of the following Formula Wingfoil equipment items:

  • Wing (sail)
  • Foil Mast
  • Glider System
  • Foil Frontwing
  • Foil Rearwing
  • Fuselage

Information registered within the scheme is used to check compliance of equipment with the class rules (to confirm eligibility for use at events).
Once registered, the model is added to a central database which serves as a repository used by the Event Technical Committee to check equipment eligibility.
Registration forms will be accessible through a link published on the WS Website (World Sailing - Formula Wing Equipment Registration)
Equipment models must be included in the registered list (available on the WS website) to be eligible for use by competitors at all IWSA Formula Wing events. 


For equipment to be eligible for registration within the Scheme, it is required to be mass-produced with a production run of not less than:

  • Foils: 50 units per component
  • Wings: 25 units per model and size

A “Unit” in this instance is used to denote a single size in a series. For example, if a Frontwing in a series came in 3 different sizes (e.g. 1500, 1800, 2200), then each size needs to be registered in the system and must meet the above requirements.
The Equipment Items being registered must also adhere to the latest version of the IWSA Formula class rules – see menu "Equipment"
By submitting the registration form the brand/manufacturer is also confirming that there will be no changes made to the manufacturing methods, materials or dimensions of the equipment being registered.
If any changes are required to the building process after registration (i.e. a material becomes un-available, requiring the use of an alternative), the IWSA and World Sailing must be notified immediately. This may invalidate the equipment and make it liable for re-registration or registration as a new model.


To be eligible for use at IWSA Formula Wing events, equipment must be registered with WS and included on the relevant IWSA Production Equipment list, not less than 30 days prior to the start of the event.
If all information is correctly provided, Equipment is recorded as being registered within the system on the date that the form is submitted. If upon review of submitted information by World Sailing the equipment does not meet class rules and/or scheme requirements, it will not be included in the published list until the corrected information is provided.

Registration of Equipment

To register equipment within the scheme, details must be submitted via an online form at World Sailing - Formula Wing Equipment Registration
Once submitted, the information will be assessed to ensure compliance with the class rules – if compliant, it will then be entered into one of the following lists:

  • WS Approved Series Production: IWSA Formula Wing - Hydrofoil Systems
  • WS Approved Series Production: IWSA Formula Wing - Wings

The form must be submitted once for every model that you wish to register for use at competitions, for example, a series of Hydrofoil Frontwings are made with the following sizes – 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000 – the form should be submitted once for each size. Forms with multiple items or series submitted will not be processed.